Monday, May 18, 2020

ADHD Facts and Myths Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Observers are of the opinion that â€Å"it is very important for adolescent to feel that they have been listened to and understood and that their opinions have been taken seriously, because in the past their ideas may have often been discounted by adults† (Robin, 506). There are several tests for identifying the affected cases. The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) has advised that the children below 7 years of age be observed with the indicative symptoms for over six months and for the older children, parent-teacher interviews, IQ and psychological testing and other forms of competitive mental and developmental examinations (â€Å"Attention deficit hyperactivity. .) Though this problem can be addressed and managed with medication and behavior therapy by experts in this field. From the parental angle, the child should be guaranteed enough sleep and praise for good behavior. Experts warn that any negligence in treating the ADHD affected children may take them to a more complicated life style in the future such as alcoholism, academic failure, inconsistent job preferences and acute disgust towards the law. Moreover, the height of degree of impulsive behavior may cause them severe damage in the peer relationship. We will write a custom essay sample on ADHD Facts and Myths or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now There has been a lot of conflicting information developed from the evaluation of such identified issues of ADHD related problems. The factors contributing to such an intellectual debate involved in the cognition and study of the impacts take us to the task of distinguishing facts from myths related to ADHD. More reliably, as Jensen suggests, the fundamental myth is that the issue is overemphasized while the fact remains that only a half of the affected children get treatment and the issue is largely ignored. Some myths blame larger class sizes and improper parental attention as the reason for ADHD; however, the fact is that such conditions have the only function with general distractions and the reality is ADHD takes its root from the brain’s functioning (62). Some other significant findings in this regard suggests that it is a simple problem related to acute disinterest in studies or listening; while the fact is that ADHD is a set of serious impairments of various emotional and mental functions in relationship with the controlling capabilities of the brain. As Brown points out, there is also a myth that this problem is the absence of willpower and that the ADHD affected persons behave only according to their interests and compulsion of the situations; however, the fact says that, though it may look like a will power problem, it is actually a problem in the cerebral functioning largely caused by chemical actions.

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